Latest Software Versions

Faults and Technical chat for the Audi Q4
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Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:09 am

Post by DeanBaker »

Does anyone know where to check for the latest software version numbers? I want to make sure my Q4 is as up to date as possible.

I know my maps are up to date as I did them this morning but the software updates says to plug in a USB and it will check the USB and "online" for updates. I don't have a USB with any updates on it and when I pressed "check for updates" it said none were available. I'm not sure if it actually checked online and just failed / finished because a USB was not present.

Is there a website where the latest MMI / software version numbers are published?

Posts: 141
Joined: Sun Sep 12, 2021 6:26 pm

Post by ScottyQ4 »

Given the sensitivity of software associated with Audi I would leave it to the main dealer. Saying that my experience to date is that the main dealers are very much in the dark with how the software works.
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